Monday, November 29, 2010

The Mighty Boosh

click image to enlarge

Quick post tonight - the semester is nearly over and there is still plenty to do. Here is a finished version of the sketch from last month; for those who missed it, it is a vector portrait of Howard and Vince from The Mighty Boosh circa Series 1. Love those Boosh boys. This isn't the last you'll see of the Booshiverse on this blog, as I'm a very big fan. Graphic designer/b-boy/photographer/DJ/professional ape Dave Brown is a particular idol of mine, even more so since I bought my copy of The Mighty Book of Boosh this summer, which he designed and which features plenty of his photography. To close, here's a closeup of Vince's pretty face and gnarly teeth.

click image to enlarge

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stretching Diagram

click image to enlarge

Here's a helpful little chart of some very valuable exercises. I've been doing the Ryutai Undo, solo and with partners, for about seven years - you'd think I could put my feet behind my head by now, but like anything else you get a bit rusty when you take a week off. I usually try to do these daily, particularly when my workload is heavy (as it has been this last month!) - a healthy spine and hips are literally the foundation of my life.

Making this chart was an interesting exercise. I learned a lot more about drawing with vector, but also carefully considered my reasons for recording the Ryutai Undo in visual form. In the past I've been rather protective of this practice, and my asking someone to stretch with me is still a sign of great affection. Now the trend reverses - these exercises are so simple and so healthy that I want to share them! Ask me to stretch sometime, let's all have healthy hips.